Compatible with World-class digital certificates: |
and more... |
Able to Work with a Web-based Workflow |
You can use your workflow to create a XML e-Document and then send it to digitally and/or normally sign with CryptBot web-Sign V3.05. If this XML e-Document is created under our defined standard values of our standard parameters such as signing method, signing sequence, signature image position and more, this e-Document will be digitally/normally signed under your required/designed pattern. |
Together with this generated e-Document, you can also attach all reference file types you want, such as a scanned outside-paper image or product picture file, for digitally signing. After signing and/or encrypting, this e-Document and its attach file will be digitally signed altogether and encrypted under technique that no one can't decrypt or modify it. |
Digitally Sign a XML Document Created by Workflow |
Workflow generated memorandum e-Document, under XML standard format, which included our signing parameters and values. |
Just Click The web-Sign Icon on an IE Menu Bar to Sign |
After you've got the generated XML e-Document, just click the web-Sign icon on the IE menu bar to digitally sign it. After that the program will show you the choices of key location for getting private key to sign. |
This version provides you two standard key locations. The first one is the key store of IE browser and the second one is located in other location such as your harddisk, diskette and handy/thumb drive. In case you want to use with other key store media, please send us your enquiry. We can modify and develop it for you. |
Select Private Key for Signing |
Here, we select a private key from the IE key store to digitally sign the above generated e-document. |
Select Public Key for Encrypting |
After digitally signed, this signed e-document can be encrypted with any public key (depending on your configuration setting), especially the public-key of recipient or second signer in order to protect its confidentiality. |
Same as private key selection process, you can select a public key from either the IE key store or other location as well. |
Output Signed Files for Workflow |
This is the example of workflow system which automatically got the digitally signed and encrypted file(.ebw), its XML and XML with XSL files from web-Sign after the e-Document had been digitally signed and encrypted. |
These output signed and/or encrypted files usually would be automatically uploaded to the specific path on the workflow server as it's got path information from the sent standard parameter. |
Decrypting an Encrypted File |
You can decrypt and verify its integrity by clicking the CryptBot? Verifier icon and then enter a password of required private key in order to decrypt it (in case it was encrypted). |
The signed file (.cbw) or encrypted signed file (.ebw) can be set to be openned by IE web browser which will be shown as the encrypted string. |
Signature Image & Signer Info Adding While Digitally Signing |
Here, John A's scanned signature image (from CryptBot Configuration) was inserted in the digitally signing process. |
At the same time, the certified personal information of signer which retrieved from his/her digital certificate and the generated "Signature Code" would be stamped on the signed e-Document as well. This information will be used as its digital signature reference whenever it is printed on paper. |
Digitally Sign with Comment and File Attachment |
Like CryptBot e-Sign, after the first signer signed, the second signer can write his/her comment (in the upper section) and attach additional file (in the lower section) to support his/her comment and then digitally sign and/or encrypt it again which it will creat the multiple digital signature. This attribute can easily and securely work with like signing on a normal paper. |
Comment and Its Certified Info. |
The written comment of the second signer, Joe C., listed on a signed e-Document. Comment and signing like this, let the signer easily to work with an e-Document on a workflow process and each comment was certified by its own digital signature. |
Certified personal information and signature code of Joe C. which got from his digital certificate and digitally signing process. |
Multiple Digital Signature Verification |
Brief information, signer name, organization name, signed date & time and his attached file of "signer 1". |
Brief information, signer name, organization name, signed date & time and his attached file of "signer 2". If you want to see more details of this signer and see its certified attached file(s), just click the "signer 2" and "Attach File" (paper clip symbol) buttons relatively. |
Digital Certificate of Signers |
Digital certicates of both signers can be viewed and checked for revocation if you want. |
Verified Attached Files of Each Signer/Comment |
Signed Attached file(s) which came from workflow system and/or comment function can be openned with the CryptBot File Verification. |