Compatible with World-class digital certificates: |
and more... |
CRYPTBOT e-Workflow |
Security Robot for "Registration , Circulation , Tracking , Acknowledge / Response and Sign " e-Document in Your Organization |
Enable document flow for any file type |
Able to define many levels of security for each document |
Able to define many levels of urgency for each document |
Allow authentication with Smart Card and/or Fingerprint |
Multiple circulate types according to flow policy of Organization |
Automatically delete or backup out of date documents |
Able to work with PKI key pairs |
Enhance Security by CryptBot e-Sign |
Support many database system products |
Protect unauthorized access to confidential documents |
etc… |
Software for... "Making your e-Business & e-Government dream comes true and easy"
- Able to create an e-Document in the form of XML file to enable data exchange and e-Workflow connection between organization using predefined templates.
- Security enhanced by CryptBot e-Sign* to ensure confidential document security and ensure recipient acknowledgement.
- Able to work with fingerprint or smart card in authentication process to protect unauthorized access to confidential document.
- Provide many types of document flow, such as star flow, back and forth to center or circular flow.
- Allow recipient to make comment before acknowledge, sign or response to the document.
- Out of date documents can be automatically deleted by setting deletion configuration and schedule or manually deleted
- Enable document control center to track the flow of document and notify the recipient who take no action.
- Support many database system products in the market.
- Applicable to use with key pairs in PKI instead of password to enhance security level of Encryption and signing document with Digital Signature.
- Able to use with the movable CryptBot Disk Stick*/Token* for storing your confidential document and/or CryptBot Encryption & e-Custodian* software for encrypting and protecting your data.
- Applicable to Pocket PC* or mobile device* for working outside your office.
(See more details about our e-Workflow Snapshot here) |
* = Optional features |
Hi-Light of e-Workflow Processes |